Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Endosymbiosis and the Eukaryotes... Do Now#10

Do Now #10  - What does the fact that all multicellular life is eukarytoic tell you about the importance of the nucleus?

Do Now #11 - Can you think of an example where when you help someone else it also helps yourself?  What would you call this?

What is symbiosis? http://youtu.be/jbCHI_PucnM http://youtu.be/w6aaOLy3mAk



Circle the Branches that are Eukaryotic

When did the first Eukaryote evolve?  How did it evolve from Prokaryotic bacteria?

The answer lies in symbiosis.  Endosymbiosis to be exact!

Dependent or Independent

Do Now # 9:

What is the difference between being dependent and being independent?

What is a variable in math? 

What does it mean to vary something?

What does variety mean?

In science when we experiment we need to know what we are experimenting on and what is the thing that is affecting our experiment.  Therefore when we do experiments we want to control the variables to the point where there is only one difference between samples so we can attribute any changes to the variable that we choose to change. 

There are 3 variables.

1.  Independent Variable:  this is the variable we change in every sample.

2. Dependent Variable: this is the variable we gather data on, the change that occurs becuase of our independent variable

3. Control Variable - these are all the other possible variables which we try to keep control of and constant in all samples.

Monday, September 12, 2011

3 domains of life: Do Now # 8

Do Now # 8 What organism is the trunk or base of the tree of life?

Tree of Life -

1st fossils are of cyanobacteria:
Cyanobacteria are aquatic and photosynthetic, that is, they live in the water, and can manufacture their own food. Because they are bacteria, they are quite small and usually unicellular, though they often grow in colonies large enough to see. They have the distinction of being the oldest known fossils, more than 3.5 billion years old, in fact! It may surprise you then to know that the cyanobacteria are still around; they are one of the largest and most important groups of bacteria on earth.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Extra Credit

Extra Credit Rubric:

You can receive extra credit in 1 of 2 ways.

  1. Reading any article of scientific interest to you. 
  2. In class when I say I don’t know the answer you get extra credit if you find out.

On a separate sheet of paper answer the following questions.

1.      Summarize the findings of your research or the article you chose to read, in one paragraph.

2.      Describe any connections with material we are currently learning in class?

3.      Discuss the connections to your everyday life (non-classroom) and Explain these connections?

4.      List 2 words that you cold learn more about and look them up in a dictionary and then explain how these words are used in the context of this article.

5.      Formulate 2 questions about the topic of this article that you still have after reading the entire article.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Decomposition Song: Do Now #7

Do Now #7:  Why are produceres and decomposers so very important to all life on Earth?

Is this waste? Well I don't know;
One thing dies to let another grow.
This circle we see almost every day;
the name we call it is.........decay.

Well come on all you people, gather 'round
Breakdown and listen......
To decomposition:

Group 1: Muncha, muncha, muncha.....
Group 2: Decomposition, decomposition, decomposition.....
Group 3: I get down, I break down, I get.......

There are many kids of bugs;
Worms and snails and slimy slugs.
They are useful for me and you;
They help to make the soil.....Renew.

Decomposition is a useful game;
A tree drops its leaves, but they don't stay the same.
A bug chews them up and spits them back out;
Making the soil for a new tree to sprout.


Compounds, Producers, Consumers and Decomposers and Do Now #6

Do Now #6:
Explain why scientists think the first life on planet Earth had to have been single celled organisms. 

Compounds In the Cells

What is a compound?  A substance that is composed of 2 or more different elements.

  • Proteins -
  • Lipids -
  • Carbohydrates-
  • Nucleic Acids -
  • ATP -

What is the difference between a producer, decomposer and a consumer?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Do Now #5:  What do you think are the necessities of life? Does all life need oxygen to live?

Aerobic: -

Anaerobic: -

General Roots and Prefixes

Root or PrefixMeaningExamples
a, annot, withoutatheist, anarchy, anonymous apathy, aphasia, anemia, atypical, anesthesia

Was the first life on Planet Earth, aerobic or anaerobic and why?

Do you think life on Early Earth required water?

All organisms require water in some form, to either replace cells, tissue, or to reproduce. DNA requires water for replication.  Water is used in almost all metabolic reactions (digesting of food).  Plants need water to complete photosynthesis.

The overall chemical reaction involved in photosynthesis is:

6CO2 + 6H2O (+ light energy) C6H12O6 + 6O2.

If all life on the planet needs water then their must have been water present in Early Earth...during the Hadean Eon.


If it is true today then we assume it was true in the past.  Ex: if hurricanes cause tidal surges today, we can assume they caused tidal surges in the past.  If the moon causes tides today we can assume it caused tides in the past.  If life needs water to survive today then we can assume life needed water in the past.  If the chemical reaction for photosynthesis is  6CO2 + 6H2O (+ light energy) C6H12O6 + 6O2  then it was the same in the past.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Do Now # 4 "The Necessities of Life", Lipids, Carbohydrates, Nucleic Acids and ATP

Do Now # 4: How could taking the time to look at every figure, photo, and diagram help you understand the content better?