Monday, October 31, 2011

Domain Eukarya : Kingdom Protista

Do Now: # _____ What do you think you will see under the microscope? Make some drawings.

Planktonic Algae in Freshwater
Fig. 4a. Examples of the tremendous diversity in cell form of the microscopic planktonic algae in freshwater. Epilithic = growing on rocks, Epipsammic = growing in sand, Epipelic = growing in sediments, Epiphytic = growing on plants. (Round 1981). Used with permission of Cambridge University Press.
These area all microscopic genera, a few of which may form filaments or crusts visible to the naked eye. Epilithic: 1. Calothrix, 2. Ulothrix, 3. Chaetphora, 4. Chamaesiphon, 5. Cymbella. Epiphytic: 6. Oedogonium, 7. Ophiocytium, 8. Characium, 9. Tabellaria, 10. Cocconeis, 11. Gomphonema, 12. Dermocarpa. Planktonic: 13. Pandoria, 14. Fragilaria, 15. Anabaena, 16. Ceratium, 17. Ankistrodesmus, 18. Melosira, 19. Chlamydomonas, 20. Mallonomas, 21. Staurastrum, 22. Dinobyron, 23. Cyclotella, 24 Navicula, 25 Green Unicells, 26. Opephora, 27. Nitzschia, 28. Amphora, 29. Achnanthes, 30. Nitzschia, 31. Achnanthes, 32. Cymbella, 33. Gomphonema. Epipelic: 34. Caloneis, 35. Spirulina, 36. Mesimopedia, 37. Navicula, 38. Amphora, 39. Oscillatoria, 40. Euglena, 41. Phormidium, 42. Pinnularia, 43. Surirella, 44. Closterium, 45. Trachelomonas, 46. Cymatopluera.

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