Fig. 4a. Examples of the tremendous diversity in cell form of the microscopic planktonic algae in freshwater. Epilithic = growing on rocks, Epipsammic = growing in sand, Epipelic = growing in sediments, Epiphytic = growing on plants. (Round 1981). Used with permission of Cambridge University Press.
These area all microscopic genera, a few of which may form filaments or crusts visible to the naked eye. Epilithic: 1. Calothrix, 2. Ulothrix, 3. Chaetphora, 4. Chamaesiphon, 5. Cymbella. Epiphytic: 6. Oedogonium, 7. Ophiocytium, 8. Characium, 9. Tabellaria, 10. Cocconeis, 11. Gomphonema, 12. Dermocarpa. Planktonic: 13. Pandoria, 14. Fragilaria, 15. Anabaena, 16. Ceratium, 17. Ankistrodesmus, 18. Melosira, 19. Chlamydomonas, 20. Mallonomas, 21. Staurastrum, 22. Dinobyron, 23. Cyclotella, 24 Navicula, 25 Green Unicells, 26. Opephora, 27. Nitzschia, 28. Amphora, 29. Achnanthes, 30. Nitzschia, 31. Achnanthes, 32. Cymbella, 33. Gomphonema. Epipelic: 34. Caloneis, 35. Spirulina, 36. Mesimopedia, 37. Navicula, 38. Amphora, 39. Oscillatoria, 40. Euglena, 41. Phormidium, 42. Pinnularia, 43. Surirella, 44. Closterium, 45. Trachelomonas, 46. Cymatopluera.
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